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  • When Intimacy Seems Impossible

    By Rachel Cooper Purity + Peace Participant at the Cornerstone Christian Center hub I grew up in a good Christian home. You know, the one that watched Veggie Tales and could sing every lyric to them, blasted Kirk Franklin on road trips, went to VBS every summer and then volunteered when I got too old, helped clean the church as a family together (I really only went for the free pizza though), and prayed together before dinner every night. Right before my 15th birthday I realized I really didn’t have the relationship with Christ that He desired to have with me. Up until then, I had done all of the good-and-right-things that I could, I lived my life staying away from bad choices because of what I was told was “right and wrong.” Yet in that moment when I accepted Christ at the altar, every image that I had of myself being a good person shattered. In that moment, Christ had given me a glimpse of the weight of my sin and why I desperately needed a savior. It was life changing. It literally had destroyed a lie that I had believed all of my life. I'm good. I'm good. ...Or so I thought. Fast forward... I’m 20. I’m at the altar again, ... but this time saying “I do” to the man that I was about to spend the rest of my life with. And... we really did it! We WAITED. We did what so many others hadn’t accomplished. We stayed pure before God and before each other, and now it was time to give ourselves to each other in the way God intended. Fast forward again... I’m 22. We just celebrated two years of marriage. What a celebration! Except it didn’t feel that way. In fact, we had just made it out of the hardest year of both our lives. I never would have thought celebrating just TWO years of marriage would feel like such a victory — And yet, we still felt so defeated. Along with many other things, being intimate had been such a hard and treacherous struggle for us. Why Lord? Why us? We waited like we were supposed to. We did it the “RIGHT” way. Why US? We couldn’t wrap our minds around the fact that THIS was a struggle for us. Intimacy. It put a huge weight on both of us that we never planned for. Nine months later: I signed up to take the Purity + Peace course with a friend, mostly just because I wanted to get more involved in church, but again starting with that same old mindset: I'm good. “Peace? Well I don’t suffer from depression or severe anxiety so, I’m good! And I’m married, what do I need to learn how to be pure for?” So I start the classes. The girls seem cool, the leader seems like she’s got a lot of good stuff to share, but I’m also all set. So I’ll just kind of sit back and listen. How wrong was I? Let’s just say, I was hit HEAVY with the stories some of the girls were sharing. It was revealed early on in the classes that this was not some cute, feel-good, stand-by-and-just-cruise-through class. This was deep ... life altering ... WORK. This was where chains would be broken, where freedom would be found, and where healing would finally happen. I remember our last class. We were all sitting around in a way where we could all see each other. I remember there was one girl... She had been sharing every week of her honest, day-to-day struggles and reality with a cycle she had been in. She was brutally honest with her feelings and with her questions as to why she should even stop what she was doing. I sat there at a loss for words some moments, not even knowing what could be said. But class after class, our leader Vikki, along with the girls and their testimonies, were able to share straight TRUTH with her, and with all of us for that matter. It was the truth that you wait your whole life for someone to come around and care enough to tell you, no matter how much it hurts to hear. So in that last class, I remember her sharing again for the last time with so much more security in herself and God and thinking — wow. Is this the same girl we started the class with? This was real. And this was for me too. It was for all of us. My husband had just gotten back the month before from a six-month-long deployment. Our intimacy issues were not resolved before he had left, but the time apart had really changed and softened our hearts toward each other and our situation. So much of our relationship before marriage was focused on staying pure, on keeping that promise to God and to each other because that’s all that mattered. Just don’t have sex before marriage and we’d be be all good. Right? That’s how it goes? Wrong. There was so much I had yet to learn. Once the focus of keeping those boundaries between us weren’t there anymore, we were smacked in the face with the lack of direction we had for our marriage. In reality, I wasn't "good" or all set. I started seeing the areas in my life that I so easily let peace escape from me simply because of my circumstances. I vowed to set my mind right and take captive the thoughts that tried to keep me trapped. That meant looking at situations that I had been hopeless about for years, and letting God bring light to the damage that I brought upon myself through my negative thought patterns and unbelief. It meant adopting a mentality to endure rather than just giving up, even in the moments that felt were breaking me. It meant trusting God at His word and believing Him for the hope that He so desired to give me. And do you know what started to change? My marriage. My mindset. The hurtful wounds that were left open began to slowly heal. We watched what seemed like a miracle happen between us. I set my mind on being at peace in all situations and to think on “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable.” Philippians 4:8 I became fueled with the peace that I needed to trust God to do His work, and believe me when I say — He came through. If you have any places in your life that your peace has been stolen from you, I urge you to join a Purity + Peace class. Get out there and be willing to see miracles happen. God has healing specifically for YOU, and He will so lovingly show you that your pain is not a waste. Sign up for a Purity + Peace session here.

  • Purpose in the Pain

    By Cyndi Garcia Member of City Wide Church who attended a Purity + Peace session at Cornerstone Before Purity + Peace, I didn’t know my identity and I was controlled by the pain of betrayal. THIS ISN’T FOR ME After attending one session of Purity + Peace I was ready to run for the hills. I was surrounded by women, who just like me, were broken and looking to God for healing. While I was one that might have needed it most, I wasn’t ready to face it. Fear and doubt immediately took over. I wasn’t ready to trust a room full of women I barely knew when I had been taught most of my life that women were deceitful and untrustworthy. Everything inside me was saying:" QUIT!" And, I almost did. I had convinced myself that I had nothing in common with these women and I believed they couldn’t understand what I had been through. I was not going back. AFRAID TO SHOW MY 'UGLY' Week two had come and there I was, sitting in the parking lot of Cornerstone, keys still in the ignition. I couldn’t move and for a second it felt as if I couldn’t even breathe. I wanted to leave. I wept silently and prayed. I knew this was where I was supposed to be because the lies of fear and doubt made it evident that I was close to finding breakthrough. But I was afraid to show my ugly. The ugly I call being a divorced, broken woman who fought to appear as if she had it all together. I hadn’t been attending church long and I found it almost impossible to become a woman of God when I had been so consumed with worldly things: I struggled with self image issues and was battling anorexia. I was consumed with vanity and I forced closed wounds that were screaming for healing. Like Martha and Mary after they suffered the loss of their brother, it was hard for me to see the plan God had for me in the midst of the pain. I questioned the goodness of God and that week in Purity + Peace I listened to many testimonies that showcased the same vulnerability and pain in these women. We prayed together. How could they trust me with their truths when I did not trust them? I wanted to speak, but instead I just listened and nodded my head. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:6 GROWTH With each week that passed, I developed a sense of belonging and strength being surrounded by these women. I was honored to be with them and though I struggled with speaking out, I felt empowered to know that I was divinely placed to learn about the biblical principles of dating and how women are created to lift each other up. I learned how to trust women and I built friendships that I never thought I would have; that I initially didn’t even want to build. It became more and more clear that I wasn’t alone on this walk and Purity + Peace played a major role in how I discovered the woman I was created to be, in spite of my imperfections and shortcomings. I learned to embrace the pain and brokenness and allowed God to use it for purpose. I am no longer afraid of my ugly. Purity + Peace helped me to see how I can use my hardship as a way to develop a deeper sense of trust in Jesus. “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’S purpose the prevails.” Proverbs 19:21 AN OPPORTUNITY It was an honor and a privilege to be a part of Purity + Peace. I am humbled at the thought that even though I didn’t trust God, let alone a group of women I didn’t know with my pain, He trusted me with theirs and allowed me to be a part of their story. Each session is a pure testimony to the unconditional love of Christ and an opportunity for more women to stand up and tear down the lies of fear and doubt that would otherwise be a hindrance to their walk. “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present or the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39 Sign up for a Purity + Peace session here.

  • The Truth Untold

    By Yvette Garcia Purity + Peace leader Growing up, I was an extremely private person. I was embarrassed by the truth, so I didn’t talk about it. I lived in an environment that didn’t embrace the truth, so things weren’t discussed but rather ignored or argued about. This led to years of misunderstanding my own emotions and responding in anger, especially as a teenager. Now, in my adult years, I can appreciate the importance of telling and receiving the truth even when it’s difficult. THE HARSH TRUTH I remember being a young Christian and having a discussion with my pastor where he shared some truths with me about myself. I was upset and thought: “I’m never going to talk to him or go to church again!” As the days passed, however, I was able to thank him for the truth rather than reject it, as I once did. It was that truth that opened my eyes and helped me mature. While it hurt, it was necessary. AN UNEXPECTED SEASON Let's fast forward to several years later: I was 26 years old, divorced, and I felt alone and damaged. While everyone around me was married or in a relationship, I was single and broken; something you don’t expect after getting married. I was in a very different season during that period of my life and sometimes being in a different season can make you feel as if something is wrong with you. There was so much truth I held inside as I tried my best to walk around with a smile on my face. During this time, God lead me to a women's Bible study called Purity + Peace. It was there that I experienced a place where I could open up and speak about things I had never spoken about openly before. The beautiful yet ugly truth was available to be released and embraced. A BEAUTIFUL PURPOSE It was during this season I realized what God created me to do; provide a space and facilitate a conversation where truth could be heard, prayed over and women could be healed. In a room full of women I barely knew, I realized I wasn’t alone in any of my struggles. I was created to help women realize that they too weren't alone, and to help them find their truth. It was time to teach women, who live in a society that only shows them how to be divided, how to be united. JESUS TOLD THE TRUTH Pain and loneliness has the ability to mold us into being more like Jesus; a teller of truth. Throughout the Bible, it’s what Jesus does. He calls out the Pharisees multiple times, which wasn’t the socially acceptable thing to do, and He sets the captive free by simply speaking truth. In the book of John, Jesus speaks to a woman at a well (John 4). Jesus was a Jew and the woman was a Samaritan. Based on the political and religious climate of the time, these two shouldn’t have been speaking to each other. During this encounter, Jesus tells her to get her husband, and she responds to him by saying “I don’t have a husband.” Jesus said: “You’re right! You don’t have a husband. You have had five husbands, and you aren’t even married to the man you’re living with now. You certainly spoke the truth.” Ouch! Imagine a random stranger calling you out that way? After this encounter, the Samaritan woman runs off and tells her village about her encounter with this prophet, and it leads to many others finding the truth, healing, and freedom in Christ. TELL THE TRUTH, IN LOVE Telling the truth in love, at the right time and with the right intentions can set the captive free. It can provide healing for the multitudes. Today, I encourage you to ask God if there are any truths you need to embrace or express. Then ask Him when and how to speak those truths or accept them, and He will show you. Sign up for a Purity + Peace session here.

  • I Belong To God

    By Roxanne Morales Member of City Wide Church Before I started Purity + Peace with Victoria, I was struggling with confusion, discouragement, loneliness, hurt and anxiety within my life. LOOKING FOR LOVE I was loved by my family, but was longing for a romantic love like the Hollywood movies. Being a late bloomer, I didn’t start dating until I was 27 years old. I wanted to wait for “the one” but those around me told me I was foolish. They constantly made fun of me, making me feel less-of-value because I had never been in a romantic relationship. I was surrounded by people who believed in Jesus but didn’t follow Him because they believed the Bible was for the past and not for present time. With this influence, I fed into what the world called “right” or “normal,” which left me feeling empty, hurt and damaged. I could not handle this new brokenness that left me in a dark place, but God didn’t let me go and I began seeking some type of hope. TAKING A RISK When I met Victoria, I had just renewed my relationship with God at an event called “10 Days of Prayer” in Bridgeport, CT — which was held in a tent hosted by City Wide Church. I was baptized and gave my life to Christ in 2017. I met Victoria at a City Wide Church outreach event shortly after and we chatted. She invited me to join her women’s group that met at her house. At first, I didn’t think I would attend because she was a stranger, but it was definitely a God-sent. I knew of the Lord, but I did not truly understand my place or value in Christ. I didn’t know God’s love and what that meant. When I thought of love after being hurt, I thought of hopelessness, self-centered, selfish, desperation, rejection, and loneliness. JOINING A COMMUNITY Joining Purity + Peace helped me understand that I was not alone with the type of emotions I was facing. I came to understand that God is not a God of confusion, discouragement, loneliness, hurt or anxiety! Victoria and my new fellow sisters helped me understand why God created us and how He loves us unconditionally. I came to understand that “I” was not my problem or the people who hurt me, but that the devil was and is my true enemy. I also learned that Our Father in Heaven wants to free us from all our entanglements. We are to be holy as He is holy. We are to love God with all our heart, soul, strength and mind. I came to understand that God loved me and His Love was the best love. I learned that God’s love was enough; His genuine Love is perfect. MY WORTH, MY VALUE My value doesn’t come from being in a relationship with a man but from being in a relationship with God. “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah‬ ‭29:11‬ ‭ESV‬‬ During our group sessions, I learned the value of my body being the temple and the importance of keeping it pure because it is where the Holy Spirit dwells. I was set free just by knowing who I belonged to. “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Ephesians‬ ‭2:10‬ ‭ESV I BELONG TO GOD It’s going to be two years now since my first time taking Purity + Peace and I’m free from constantly trying to fill my soul with the affirmations and admiration of others. I no longer feel worn out or depressed due to loneliness. I Belong to God. I now understand God's grace and power that breaks all the chains that tried to bind me. I know who the TRUE lover of my soul is, Jesus. For the first time since ever, I have not been worrying about my biological time clock that the world has placed on women. I no longer seek to find my soulmate but seek to have an intimate relationship with my Abba, true lover of my soul. I am focused on becoming the Roxanne He has created me to be in Christ. This season of singleness is a gift. Instead of looking around at what I don’t have, I’m focused on what I do have. I’m focused on my time with God and being used for His kingdom’s glory. TRUE FREEDOM I am so happy to be free and to be able to testify about God’s handiwork in this group. “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John‬ ‭8:36‬ ‭ESV‬‬ I feel Purity + Peace is for every woman, in any season: Young, single, married, divorced, widow — all will benefit from this amazing God-filled sisterhood. As a result, I am no longer taking anxiety or depression medication because I now understand that the only person who can fill my emptiness and void is my Father in Heaven. He is the only truth. He is my truth. -Roxanne Morales Sign up for a Purity + Peace session here.

  • Afraid to lead

    By Kimani Sioux Williams Purity + Peace leader at Cornerstone Christian Center in Milford, CT ___________________________________________________________ Becoming a Purity + Peace leader was one of the scariest things I’ve done. INVISIBLE WAYS After a few sessions as a participant, I knew that I wanted to be involved with P+P for a lot longer than six weeks. I always saw myself as a strictly behind-the-scenes girl and volunteered to edit materials and assist in other small and invisible ways. I liked to have died the day I heard Vikki tell someone I was going to teach a session some day. I had to maintain composure in the moment, but everything in me was screaming: “NOOOO!!! I CAN’T.” Lo and behold: I can, I am and I’m loving it. FINDING COURAGE My life has pretty much followed that narrative ever since. Purity + Peace helped me wake up in so many ways. Prior to it, I was depressed and more anxious than I ever realized. Fear and comparison crippled me and I lost my ability to dream or see a bright future for myself. I was believing numerous lies about who I was, what I could accomplish, and the trajectory of my life. This warped view of myself was causing me to make choices that were far beneath me in every area: work, men, friendships, and more. I was like the Israelites in Numbers 13:33 when they went in to scout out the Promised Land that God had already said was theirs. “We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes…” Just like the Israelites, I wasn’t taking God at His word, largely because I wasn’t reading it. Purity + Peace changed that quickly, and as I began diving into my Bible, journaling through my anxious thoughts, and living in community, I found more courage. TRANSFORMED Suddenly I was able to step out little-by-little. With each new thing I did, the more confidence I gained. I’ve watched myself transform more and more into the woman that God knew before I was even in my mother’s womb (Jeremiah 1:5). More importantly, I’ve gotten to watch so many other women become that woman. There is nothing more sacred and precious in this season of my life than the prayers, tears, laughs, and lives shared in a session of Purity + Peace, and afterward. I leave each week changed and end every six-week session with a new set of sisters along with a greater understanding of God’s love, power, grace, mercy, and strength. To see God transform my sisters and be blessed enough to take part in it is an unspeakable blessing. Sign up for a Purity + Peace session here.

  • Woman I am

    Pure Love and Health Ministries founder Victoria was invited to speak on a women's panel in Hamden, CT on 1/19/18.

  • Tell Your Father

    By Zaibel Torres Purity + Peace leader at Iglesia Bautista Emanuel in Bridgeport, Connecticut —————————————————————————————————— I never expected to be a Purity + Peace leader. When I signed up for the class, I thought that was all it was: A class to bring back to my church for the young teen girls. I was totally surprised by what it really was: Women of all ages, regardless of their relationship status, finding healing. There is a scripture that comes to mind when I think of my travels through Purity and Peace as a student or leader and it’s the sad story of Tamar. You will find the story in 2 Samuel 13. A SECRET IS BORN Tamar was King David’s daughter, and she had a half brother named Amnon who was so obsessed with her, he became ill over it. One day Amnon asked their father, King David, if Tamar could come to his room and cook for him. The King said yes, and once Tamar was there, Amnon was overtaken by his lust for her and he raped her. Absalom, Tamar’s brother from the same mother and father, went to see her. This next line shakes me to the core. It's found in verse 20: “Her brother Absalom saw her and asked, ‘Is it true that Amnon has been with you?’ Well, my sister, keep quiet for now, since he is your brother. Don’t you worry about it.” So Tamar lived as a desolate woman in her brother Absalom’s house.” (NLT) A secret was born. This secret became so big it consumed all the parties involved. I will let you turn to the scriptures to read it for yourself, but: hate, resentment, betrayal and murder followed and all stemmed from this one moment. The situation was not dealt with. It was silenced. How familiar is this story to you? A DESOLATE LIFE I often wonder how Tamar felt when she was told to keep quiet: Did she feel like she was protecting herself or her abuser? How did she feel knowing her father did nothing about it? Her father. King David. The man known for having a heart for God, did nothing. And all we hear of Tamar is that she lived a desolate life. How many women are living desolate lives? How many are holding secrets bigger than they can handle? How many will settle for abuse and brokenness because that’s what they feel is all they deserve? How many are walking angry and then hurting more people because they accepted all the pain as the status quo for their life? God doesn’t want that for them. And God doesn’t want that for you. GO TELL YOUR FATHER Every Purity + Peace session I meet more Tamar’s than I can count, myself included. Our story ends differently though. In Purity + Peace, women don’t go to their brother, they go to their sisters who bring them straight to their heavenly Father who doesn’t ignore what happened. At Purity + Peace, lives are transformed, set free, and made so beautiful that it’s hard to walk away from all the women in the group. I don’t lead a Bible study, I lead women to their Father; because years ago someone did it for me. I know firsthand what changes come from encountering the King of Kings in the throne room. So when Vikki asked me to lead a small group, I didn’t hesitate to say yes. Why? Because I love watching God move. It's that simple. — Zai Sign up for Purity + Peace here.

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